Archived Opportunities

These volunteer opportunities have been archived based on an expiry date set by the originator (i.e. nonprofit organization). Please note that these opportunities are only presented for interest – to give volunteers and site visitors an opportunity to see the types of positions offered by organizations.

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Operation Kickstart Seeking Qualified Volunteers to Assist the Unemployed

Organization: Operation Kickstart
Category: Counselling / Support / Mentoring
Description: OPERATION KICKSTART, a non profit society, reg'd in 1996, is seeking 5 volunteers. Applicants need to be retired, with at least 2 references, aged 50 + and a university degree. We assist the unemployed, teaching basic digital skills and providing those job seekers with access to computers, to search the internet for jobs. Our program assist with resume writng, cover letters, strategies for interviews. Each accepted applicant is assigned a case worker whose task it is to mentor that applicant. All volunteers shall attend a training course of several hours. Volunteers must be able to attend our offices on 3rd street sw, for at least 1 day a week. Office hours are from 9-noon and 1-4. Tasks of volunteers will be to answer phones, assist walk ins with filling out applications, setting appointments for classes. Calgary is in the midst of serious challenge as the economy is staggering and many need our help. FINDING A JOB IS A JOB-we cannot help everyone but our mission is to make sure serious job hunters have basic computers skills and direction of how to search online for jobs. Help us help these deserving people. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Webmaster for Nature Calgary

Organization: Nature Calgary
Category: Computers / Technology / IT
Description: Nature Calgary is looking for a person who has experience in website management, in order to maintain their website. You work from home and training will be given. This position is immediate. Experience in the following tools would be an asset: WordPress and MailChimp, Dropbox, HTML, Flickr, Google Maps, PayPal, Facebook, and HTML, and work with a contractor/web-host. Please contact [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Suicide Bereavement Program Volunteer

Organization: Canadian Mental Health Association
Category: Other Positions
Description: Come and volunteer with other amazing individuals that are as committed to helping, learning and growing as you are! We are currently looking for volunteers for our Suicide Bereavement program. All of our volunteers must have experienced a loss to suicide and be at a place in their healing where they are committed and able to support other suicide survivors in their unique grief journey. All volunteers must be comfortable sharing their experiences, listening to others stories, and providing empathtic support. Some of our volunteer opportunities include: Co-facilitation of our suicide bereavement drop-in group and 10 week structured group; One-on-one peer support, and committee members for our annual Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Potential volunteers will go through an initial interview with a counsellor to be considered for the 2-day training which will be offered January 14 and 15, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you are interested in becoming a CMHA volunteer with our Suicide Bereavement program, please contact [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

F&ST Team Member

Organization: Catholic Family Service
Category: Children & Youth
Description: Everyone is welcome to volunteer - youth, adults, families, and groups! Families & Schools Together (F&ST) is a dynamic preventative program based on relationship building that unites parents, children, schools, volunteers and the overall community. Volunteers help in providing the set up & clean up of the program space, serving meals, coordinating children's activities, and other program essentials as needed.Volunteers are expected to be warm, friendly, professional, and positive role models. F&ST is a 9-week program of Catholic Family Service that helps with both family development and increasing family/school connections. It operates a few times throughout the school year at various elementary schools. Volunteers are asked to commit to one 9-week cycle of the program, from 4:30-8:30 each week. Youth can volunteer on their own; children must be accompanied by an adult. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Youth Residential Volunteer Mentor

Organization: The Calgary John Howard Society
Category: Social and Community Service
Description: Raido House is a transitional residence for youth between the ages of 14-17 who are at risk of or, currently experiencing homelessness. Raido House is an eight-bedroom residence designed to support homeless youth who do not have child intervention status. Raido house accepts both male and female clients who may or may not be involved in the youth criminal justice system. Windsor Park is a supported, semi-independent, for rent living program. The Windsor Park program is designed to empower youth giving them the necessary skills to become independent successful adults. Windsor Park is an eleven-bedroom residence for youth between the ages of 18 - 24 who do not have child intervention status. Windsor Park accepts both male and female clients who may or may not be involved in the youth criminal justice system. The Mentor will work directly with the people we serve offering support, information and guidance to all aspects of development of daily life skills as the youth accesses the community and builds independence. You will be supported by a Volunteer Supervisor. Time will be committed to your personal development and will include supervision, support, appraisal and training plans. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Bedford House Games Volunteer

Organization: The Calgary John Howard Society
Category: Social and Community Service
Description: The Program- Bedford House’s primary mandate is to ensure the safety, security, and wellbeing of the community at-large while meeting the social and clinical needs of offenders with issues requiring further programming and/or treatment.  The activities carried out are designed to address the social and clinical needs of residents thereby minimizing the risk present if offenders were simply released into the community at the end of their sentence. Bedford House has a total of 22 beds and houses males aged 18+. The house is staffed 24/7 by at least two staff members. Residents staying at Bedford have been referred to CJHS by Correctional Services Canada for transition back into the community. All referrals are screened for suitability and risk management before being accepted. These men are from all walks of life and have committed a wide variety of offences. Successful candidates demonstrate positive motivation, some insight into their criminogenic factors and a willingness to address and change those factors. The Position- The Volunteer will work directly with men to offer prosocial activities, giving them the opportunity to meet together, discuss issues they are facing in their reintegration and learn how to take part in drug and alcohol free activities.  You will be supported by a Volunteer Supervisor. Time will be committed to your personal development and will include supervision, support, appraisal and training plans. Responsibilities * To engage the men and to provide the opportunity for them to meet together and discuss issues facing their reintegration. * To plan, organize and offer a variety of games on a weekly basis. * To assist in the development of intangible skills such as problem solving and assertiveness as well as helping in the development of self-esteem and self-confidence. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Bedford House Transit Orientation Volunteer

Organization: The Calgary John Howard Society
Category: Social and Community Service
Description: The Program- Bedford House’s primary mandate is to ensure the safety, security, and wellbeing of the community at-large while meeting the social and clinical needs of offenders with issues requiring further programming and/or treatment.  The activities carried out are designed to address the social and clinical needs of residents thereby minimizing the risk present if offenders were simply released into the community at the end of their sentence. Bedford House has a total of 22 beds and houses males aged 18+. The house is staffed 24/7 by at least two staff members. Residents staying at Bedford have been referred to CJHS by Correctional Services Canada for transition back into the community. All referrals are screened for suitability and risk management before being accepted. These men are from all walks of life and have committed a wide variety of offences. Successful candidates demonstrate positive motivation, some insight into their criminogenic factors and a willingness to address and change those factors. The Position - As many of our persons served rely exclusively on public transportation to travel to and from work, medical appointments, and other necessary locations, knowledge of how to utilize Calgary’s bus and LRT system is vital to their wellbeing and livelihood. The Transit Orientation Volunteer will work in the community directly with the people we serve in offering support, information and guidance to navigate the public transit system as the person served accesses the community and builds independence. You will be supported by a Volunteer Supervisor. Responsibilities * Plan bus routes to and from important location points (for example: home, work, grocery stores, clothing stores, doctors' offices, etc.). * Demonstrate how to purchase bus tickets and monthly passes, if appropriate. * Teach persons served how to board, use tickets/passes, signal for a stop, and change buses. * Show persons served how to identify bus stops and how to locate nearby bus stops and stations. * Teach persons served how to ask for assistance from transit officials, as well as how to recognize them as such. * Help with learning bus etiquette (for example, that one shouldn't eat/drink, play loud music, stand in the aisles, etc.). * Prepare clients for what to do when buses do not arrive and show them how to check for service interruptions/alerts. * Track persons served progress and maintain case files for reporting purposes as required. [/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb admin_label="Blurb" url_new_window="off" use_icon="off" image="" icon_placement="left" background_layout="light" animation="off" text_orientation="left" custom_css_main_element="margin-bottom: 3% !important;" custom_css_blurb_image="width:48px;"]

Bedford House Volunteer Life Skills Trainer

Organization: The Calgary John Howard Society
Category: Social and Community Service
Description: The Program- Bedford House’s primary mandate is to ensure the safety, security, and wellbeing of the community at-large while meeting the social and clinical needs of offenders with issues requiring further programming and/or treatment.  The activities carried out are designed to address the social and clinical needs of residents thereby minimizing the risk present if offenders were simply released into the community at the end of their sentence. Bedford House has a total of 22 beds and houses males aged 18+. The house is staffed 24/7 by at least two staff members. Residents staying at Bedford have been referred to CJHS by Correctional Services Canada for transition back into the community. All referrals are screened for suitability and risk management before being accepted. These men are from all walks of life and have committed a wide variety of offences. Successful candidates demonstrate positive motivation, some insight into their criminogenic factors and a willingness to address and change those factors. The Position - The Volunteer Life Skills Coach work directly with the people we serve offering support, information and guidance to all aspects of acquisition and development of daily life skills as the person served accesses the community and builds independence. You will be supported by a Volunteer Supervisor. Time will be committed to your personal development and will include supervision, support, appraisal and training plans. Responsibilities * With the staff team, assist persons served in developing realistic goals and life plans. * Support persons served with career or vocational topics including career exploration and planning, resume preparation, job interview skills and job search strategies and make available to them a wide range of educational and occupational information * To assist persons served in accomplishing and refining the tangible skills needed in daily living such as budgeting, maintenance; and housing and/or job searching. * To assist persons served in the development of intangible skills such as problem solving and assertiveness as well as helping in the development of self-esteem and self-confidence. * Track persons served progress and maintain case files for reporting purposes as required. [/et_pb_blurb]

Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.
Albert Schweitzer