Sleep in Heavenly Peace Calgary NW

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 147 Tuscany Meadows Court Nw, Calgary, Alberta T3L 2L3
Contact: Leisa King Whitby
Phone: 403 835 6379

Sleep in Heavenly Peace Calgary NW Logo

Sleep in Heavenly Peace is  Canadian non profit organization whose mission is to provide new twin beds or bunks to children who don’t have beds of their own.  Each Chapter raises funds in their own cummunties by partnering with local groups, business and individuals to make sure these beds are hand built, out-fitted with new mattresses and bedding and delivered to children in need.

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Sleep in Heavenly Peace Calgary NW’s Volunteer Opportunities

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There are two ways of spreading light – to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton, Vesalius in Zante

Contact Sleep in Heavenly Peace Calgary NW

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147 Tuscany Meadows Court Nw, Calgary, Alberta T3L 2L3

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