SHE Innovates Employment Solutions

Organization Type: Fundraising, Grant Making & Foundations
Address: 108 Everridge Court NW, Calgary, Alberta T3P 1B1
Contact: Kathleen Larose
Phone: 3433223681

SHE Innovates Employment Solutions Logo

We are a small but mighty team, made up of individuals who come from lived experience of Executive or Senior level leadership. Each of us had been impacted by workplace challenges, pressures, or toxic culture, all of which eventually led us through waves of burnout and health challenges. Having to face the outcomes of burnout, we were forced to weather the storm however that looked for each of us.

As a collective, we have come together to find a way to advocate for new leaders and develop a system of support for nonprofit organizations, associations, small businesses, and start-up initiatives. We aim to grow our membership, made up of seasoned leaders, to be able to share knowledge, create a space for support and think tanks, as well as collectively create ways to advocate for Pink Elephant workplace issues.

At S.H.E., we bring compassion, empathy, and humility into our work. Always leaning on our learnings, and creating avenues for open conversations and continual growth. We strive to keep our minds curious, learn from each other, and bring attention and care to the work we do for you and your team. We are a Fractional Executive Support, made by and for leaders like yourself. We are here to fill the gaps in your organization or start-up, where resources may be limited, meeting our mission to reduce executive burnout by providing services that will bring back a sense of work-life balance. We aim to reduce workloads, strengthen organizational systems, strengthen boards and board processes, and talk about the impacts of executive burnout not on just the individual, but also on the team, organization, and the community as a whole. We advocate for change, support workplace policy by driving awareness, and speak to Pink Elephant topics that are often avoided.

Welcome to S.H.E. Innovates Employment Solutions, where we walk the fine balance to get things done. We look forward to connecting soon!

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Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Mother Teresa

Contact SHE Innovates Employment Solutions

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108 Everridge Court NW, Calgary, Alberta T3P 1B1

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