Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 168 Silver Hill Way NW, Calgary, Alberta T3B 4K8
Contact: June Bergman
Phone: 14038621947

Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs Logo

The Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs is a totally volunteer run organization that has created a botanical garden which stretches over 2 kilometers and includes 19 separate gardens focused on themes, plant types or activities.  60 Volunteers give over 9000 hours annually to maintain these gardens.

Vision:  A community gathering space , destination park and botanical gardens featuring plants that grow in our particular climate.

Mission:  To contribute to a welcoming outdoor space through unique gardens and forests that inspire, educate, and provide enjoyment for all within a  multi-use environment

We will achieve this through

Volunteer Driven

  • Community engagement
  • Partnerships and Collaboration
  • Sustainability Principles
    • Human resource,
    • Ecological
    • Climate and environment
    • Infrastructure

We are looking for a treasurer for this organization

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Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs’s Volunteer Opportunities

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One great, strong, unselfish soul in every community could actually redeem the world.
Elbert Hubbard

Contact Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs

Get Directions

168 Silver Hill Way NW, Calgary, Alberta T3B 4K8

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