Elizabeth House

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: Calgary, Alberta
Website: https://www.elizabethhousecalgary.ca/

Elizabeth House Logo

Elizabeth House is a life skills program and family-oriented home which welcomes at-risk pregnant and parenting women who need a safe place to live. From there these courageous mothers are empowered to work towards a transition to independent living as well as pursue the education or job skills training necessary to help set the foundation for a bright future.

As a non-denominational program of the RC Diocese of Calgary, our vision is to be widely recognized as an effective and compassionate transitional home where residents are equipped with the life skills and confidence to be healthy parents as well as competitive in today’s society. Our goal is for our residents to have access to opportunities and resources that will enable them to take charge of their life.

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Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Mother Teresa

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Calgary, Alberta

Other Organizations

  • STEAMistic Calgary

  • The Brenda Strafford Foundation

  • Canadian Zalmi Society

  • Calgary Drug Treatment Court

  • All Woman Ministry