Calgary Housing Company

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: Calgary, Alberta
Contact: Jamie Phillips
Calgary Housing Company Logo

Calgary Housing Company provides safe and affordable housing solutions for low- and moderate- income Calgarians in need of non-market rental housing. We operate over 7,100 housing units and administer approximately 3,080 private landlord rent supplements. We meet tenant needs through our varied programs, which include:

subsidized housing
near market rentals (approx. 10% below market rates)
rent supplements for tenants with private landlords

Our building management strategy uses a “mixed income model” that combines below market rates with deep subsidies. By balancing the proportion of units within an individual building, Calgary Housing Company ensures that new affordable housing developments are financially sustainable while providing an inclusionary approach to housing where tenants of mixed financial means are blended together.

Calgary Housing Company’s Volunteer Opportunities

Board of Directors: Property Development, Legal, and Finance

Organization: Calgary Housing Company
Category: Social and Community Service
Description: For over 50 years, CHC has provided a safe, affordable place to call home for Calgarians of diverse backgrounds and experiences. Today, over 10,000 Calgarians, including approximately 4,000 …Read More
He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.
Abraham Lincoln

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Calgary, Alberta

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